
Eva Moosbrugger black opaque glass, free blown, allover engraved

The power of holding back. Minimalism is all about keeping things simple on purpose. The art is stripped of anything extra and presented in a straightforward manner… no frills or … Keep Reading


Lin Teichman photography

The great outdoors, with its ocean waves sculpting cliffs and the earth’s crust shaping mountains, is a testament to the planet’s breathtaking beauty. THIS LAND delivers stunning scenes that elevate … Keep Reading


Let’s celebrate the imperfections in art, where every flaw tells a story, and every mistake launches us into the unpredictable beauty of the creative journey. BEYOND THE SCARS invites us … Keep Reading


Christina Hammond acrylic, graphite, and plaster on canvas

Abstract art is a daring rebellion against conventional art forms. Here in /ˈabˌstrak(t)/, we witness work that showcases vibrant colors, confident strokes, and chaotic compositions that convey deep emotions and … Keep Reading


Margaret Scott aluminum dibond photographic print on fiber

Portraits draw us in because they’re like windows into our lives. They’re not just about how we look- they also show our emotions, stories, and who we are. FACE TO … Keep Reading


Cathy Schaefer, oil on canvas

Water binds us to the planet in a constant, evolving dance of life and survival. It’s the ultimate showstopper, capable of being a rare gem and a wild card. Our … Keep Reading


Analinda Gonzalez, chalk pastel and colored pencil on paper

Navigating the edge of our feelings is a complex process. Art is a channel that can help us explore emotions we experience when confronting challenging situations, heartaches, or personal growth. … Keep Reading


Marc Hinkley, oil on canvas

Step into the shadows and embrace the mysterious allure of NOIR. Defined by moody and atmospheric aesthetics, this artistic genre thrives on the interplay of light and shadow, creating an … Keep Reading


Duke Windsor, acrylic and gold leaf

The urban environment is bustling with diverse colors, human connections, and the delicate balance between order and chaos. This exhibit captures the core of urban life, highlighting its moving parts, … Keep Reading


Michael Gordon, graphite and charcoal

How do we define ourselves amidst a rapidly changing world? Our identities constantly evolve, influenced by our experiences, relationships, and surroundings. INNER SENSE explores our past, present, and the emotions … Keep Reading


Marianne McCarthy, halochromed silver gelatin photograph

CREATIVE LICENSE is a captivating journey through artworks that embrace bold choices, unconventional materials, and artists’ greatest hits. Each stroke, click, weave, and carving exudes artistic freedom and confidence. Celebrating … Keep Reading


Sharon Harms, oil on linen

Beauty in the ordinary, in the stillness. Art is about capturing those moments that are gone again in a flash, moments that we find when we slow down. A fresh … Keep Reading


James Bolton, watercolor

ConTEXT II seamlessly demonstrates the harmonious integration of text and art. When integrated into a piece of artwork, text carries substantial weight and impact, infusing it with greater depth, significance, … Keep Reading


Andre Rix, oil on wooden panel

Animals have been depicted in art for thousands of years, representing a wide range of symbolism, from grace and speed to strength and nobility to transformation and freedom. But we … Keep Reading


Hannah Fitzgerald, oil

Art plays with perceptions of light, which can challenge viewers with what they see and understand from each piece. Light can go beyond being just functional. It can also be … Keep Reading


Aneka Ingold, acrylic paint and prismacolor pencils

In all the roles a woman symbolizes, she has been a constant source of inspiration to artists since the beginning of time. Females are the essence of life, representing softness, … Keep Reading


Natalie Featherston, oil on panel

Just like traveling, WANDERLUST brings us a transformative and enriching experience. It’s a powerful way to open the heart, cleanse the mind and heal the soul. Art helps us to … Keep Reading

Seeing RED

Jay Johansen, oil on canvas

Behold the power of red. After black and white, red is the first color that humans perceive. It’s the color babies see before any other and the first that those … Keep Reading